| Card name | Type | Rarity |
| Abhore, Mistress Night | Demi-God | Unco |
| Abol | Deity | Rare |
| Ally’s Blessing | Miracle | Unco |
| Alms Priest | Priest | Comm |
| Apocalypse | Miracle | Rare |
| Arcanum Brotherhood | Follower | Comm |
| Archmage Mithian | Champion | Unco |
| Armored Golem | Guardian | Comm |
| Avatar | Deity | Comm |
| Avenging Angel | Guardian | Unco |
| Azerous the Lich King | Priest | Unco |
| Bane Blade | Relic | Unco |
| Banish | Miracle | Comm |
| Basilisk | Guardian | Rare |
| Battering Ram | Relic | Comm |
| Battle Fury | Miracle | Unco |
| Beggar | Follower | Comm |
| Berserkers | Follower | Comm |
| Besha, the Kissing Goddess | Demi-God | Rare |
| Bitterfrost | Miracle | Rare |
| Black Orcon | Relic | Rare |
| Blackgate | Temple | Unco |
| Blasphemy | Miracle | Rare |
| Blood Altar | Relic | Rare |
| Blood Covenant | Miracle | Unco |
| Book of Black Magic | Relic | Rare |
| Book of Life and Death | Relic | Rare |
| Breath of Mist | Relic | Rare |
| Bull Elk | Guardian | Comm |
| Burrow Worms | Guardian | Unco |
| Candle of the All Father | Relic | Rare |
| Caravan | Follower | Unco |
| Catapult | Relic | Unco |
| Celestial palace | Temple | Rare |
| Celestial Pegasus | Guardian | Unco |
| Cemetary | Temple | Comm |
| Changeling | Guardian | Rare |
| Chaos Runes | Miracle | Comm |
| Chariot of Horne | Relic | Unco |
| Charming | Guardian | Unco |
| Chimeran | Guardian | Rare |
| City of the Dead | Temple | Unco |
| Clairvoyance | Spell | Comm |
| Cloak of Deception | Relic | Unco |
| Close Portal | Spell | Comm |
| Cloud Spirit | Guardian | Comm |
| Cloudwalk | Spell | Unco |
| Comet of Fates | Miracle | Rare |
| Crossed Swords | Follower | Comm |
| Crusaders of Galadon | Follower | Comm |
| Crypt Feeders | Guardian | Unco |
| Crystaltear | Temple | Comm |
| Daggers of the Mind | Spell | Unco |
| Dark Chant | Miracle | Comm |
| Dark Creation | Guardian | Rare |
| Dark Summons | Miracle | Comm |
| Dark Walker | Champion | Comm |
| Dead Bones | Relic | Comm |
| Deadly Ichor | Relic | Comm |
| Deadwood | Temple | Unco |
| Death Cult | Follower | Comm |
| Death Knight | Champion | Comm |
| Death Vow | Miracle | Unco |
| Deathly Corpse | Guardian | Comm |
| Deathmask | Follower | Comm |
| Defile | Miracle | Unco |
| Despair | Miracle | Rare |
| Destroying Angel | Miracle | Rare |
| Devourer of the Fallen | Guardian | Unco |
| Disenchantment | Spell | Comm |
| Divination | Miracle | Rare |
| Diviner’s Mask | Relic | Rare |
| Dolphin | Guardian | Comm |
| Domination | Spell | Rare |
| Doom Steed | Guardian | Rare |
| Double | Spell | Rare |
| Dram the Black | Demi-God | Rare |
| Druine | Priest | Comm |
| Druish King | Champion | Unco |
| Drums of Doom | Relic | Rare |
| Druna, the Protector | Demi-God | Unco |
| Dungeons of Thalhautma | Temple | Comm |
| Dwarven Hero | Champion | Comm |
| Dwarven Stonemasons | Follower | Unco |
| Elivari Archers | Follower | Comm |
| Enchanted Armor | Relic | Unco |
| Enchanted Weapon | Relic | Unco |
| Enigma | Demi-God | Rare |
| Entombment | Miracle | Rare |
| Erland’s Tomb | Relic | Rare |
| Erodan Knight | Champion | Unco |
| Etheral Worms | Guardian | Comm |
| Exodus | Miracle | Unco |
| Falconer | Follower | Comm |
| False Prophet | Priest | Rare |
| Familiar | Guardian | Unco |
| Famine | Miracle | Unco |
| Farmer | Follower | Comm |
| Father of Shadows | Priest | Comm |
| Fathfyrn the Mighty | Deity | Rare |
| Feet of the Jaguar | Spell | Comm |
| Fetish Shaman | Follower | Comm |
| Flash Flood | Miracle | Rare |
| Forest Giant | Guardian | Unco |
| Forges of Mountain Under | Temple | Rare |
| Fortuna | Deity | Comm |
| Fountain of Souls | Relic | Rare |
| Freeze Blast | Spell | Comm |
| Frontiersman | Follower | Comm |
| Garrison | Follower | Comm |
| Giant Kin | Miracle | Unco |
| Gidron the Defiler | Priest | Rare |
| Golden Lake | Temple | Comm |
| Grand Inquisitor | Priest | Comm |
| Grandmindor | Temple | Rare |
| Graveyard of Ships | Temple | Rare |
| Great Umber Bear | Guardian | Comm |
| Greater Warlock | Priest | Unco |
| Grimfang the Great | Demi-God | Rare |
| Gryvern | Guardian | Unco |
| Guard Dog | Guardian | Unco |
| Gydon the Red | Demi-God | Comm |
| Halo | Miracle | Unco |
| Harbinger Eagle | Guardian | Comm |
| Harvest Season | Miracle | Rare |
| Harvest Symbol | Relic | Unco |
| Healers of Southton Abbey | Priest | Comm |
| Helm of War | Relic | Rare |
| Herb Garden of Isa | Temple | Comm |
| Highlands Unicorn | Guardian | Unco |
| Hogmuv Coven | Priest | Comm |
| Horne, God of War | Deity | Unco |
| Hrothgar | Demi-God | Rare |
| Ilgit the Great Vulne | Champion | Unco |
| Inner Sanctum | Relic | Rare |
| Iron Slugs | Guardian | Rare |
| Izgul the Mad | Priest | Unco |
| Jaxx, Lord of Ghouls | Champion | Unco |
| Karthanon the Builder | Temple | Unco |
| Khrin Ruins | Miracle | Rare |
| King Erland | Deity | Unco |
| King Erodan | Deity | Rare |
| King Ettin’s Crown | Relic | Rare |
| Kings Statue | Relic | Unco |
| Knights of Three | Demi-God | Rare |
| Krill Vortex | Miracle | Rare |
| Lawspeaker | Priest | Comm |
| Legions of Doom | Miracle | Rare |
| Living Lightning | Miracle | Unco |
| Lord Dwarvendunne | Demi-God | Unco |
| Lord Gamrin | Demi-God | Comm |
| Lord of Storms | Demi-God | Rare |
| Loremaster | Follower | Unco |
| Lost Temple of Baharat | Temple | Unco |
| Lurker of the Deep | Guardian | Unco |
| Mage Master | Follower | Unco |
| Maldorian Pirates | Follower | Comm |
| Martyr massacre | Miracle | Unco |
| Master Archer | Follower | Rare |
| Mazer the Misguided | Demi-God | Rare |
| Meld | Miracle | Comm |
| Mesidian Gargoyle | Guardian | Comm |
| Messilist the Destroyer | Deity | Rare |
| Meteor Shower | Miracle | Rare |
| Millenium | Miracle | Rare |
| Minak Orb | Relic | Unco |
| Mind Shield | Spell | Comm |
| Misdirection | Spell | Comm |
| Mithra the Huntress | Demi-God | Comm |
| Mob Leader | Follower | Unco |
| Mokenth Charm | Relic | Rare |
| Mountain Oracle | Priest | Comm |
| Mythander Thundertounge | Demi-God | Rare |
| Necromancer | Priest | Comm |
| Necros, Lord of Xzulne | Deity | Comm |
| Nightfall | Miracle | Rare |
| Order of the Yanari | Priest | Comm |
| Oxylonn The Dire Worm | Demi-God | Unco |
| Part Water | Miracle | Unco |
| Passage | Miracle | Comm |
| Peasant | Follower | Comm |
| Phantasm | Spell | Comm |
| Pilgrim | Follower | Comm |
| Pillar of Eyes | Relic | Rare |
| Pit Fighter | Follower | Comm |
| Pit of Fire | Miracle | Comm |
| Plague | Miracle | Rare |
| Poison Touch | Spell | Unco |
| Pools of Druna | Relic | Rare |
| Powers on High | Miracle | Comm |
| Rain of Arrows | Spell | Rare |
| Revenant Sorceror | Champion | Unco |
| Reverse Gravity | Spell | Unco |
| Rillobrigg | Demi-God | Comm |
| Ring of Linking | Relic | Unco |
| Ring of Many Wonders | Relic | Rare |
| Ring of Nine Lives | Relic | Rare |
| Ring of Water Walking | Relic | Unco |
| Ringen The Valiant | Champion | Comm |
| River of Fire | Miracle | Unco |
| Rose Ossuary | Temple | Unco |
| Rose Pedal Brotherhood | Priest | Comm |
| Rumormonger | Priest | Rare |
| Sacred Earth | Miracle | Unco |
| Salvation | Miracle | Unco |
| Sanctuary | Miracle | Rare |
| Sand of Ages | Miracle | Rare |
| Savanah Monkeys | Guardian | Unco |
| Scathos | Demi-God | Unco |
| Secret Combinations | Miracle | Rare |
| Seven Seals of Doom | Miracle | Rare |
| Shadow Cat | Guardian | Comm |
| Shadow Giant | Guardian | Unco |
| Shadow Slayer | Miracle | Unco |
| Shadowy Spirits | Guardian | Comm |
| Shapeshifter | Guardian | Rare |
| Shield of Shadows | Miracle | Comm |
| Silandril’s Salvation | Relic | Unco |
| Skaine the Vile | Demi-God | Comm |
| Skeleton Legions | Guardian | Comm |
| Sleep | Spell | Unco |
| Soothsayer | Priest | Comm |
| Sothtis the Traveller | Demi-God | Rare |
| Soul Stealer | Relic | Unco |
| Southton Abbey | Temple | Unco |
| Spider Plague | Spell | Unco |
| Spindlethorn | Spell | Comm |
| Staff of the Pure Heart | Relic | Rare |
| Stairway of the Eternities | Miracle | Rare |
| Steward’s Hall | Temple | Unco |
| Stewards of Thale | Champion | Comm |
| Stones of Drakma | Relic | Rare |
| Storm Season | Miracle | Rare |
| Stormwatch | Temple | Rare |
| Strong Bow | Relic | Rare |
| Swarm Skine | Guardian | Rare |
| Sword of Lost Quests | Relic | Rare |
| Teleport | Spell | Unco |
| Thanter Kandis | Demi-God | Unco |
| The Lost King | Champion | Unco |
| Thief | Follower | Rare |
| Time Sphere | Relic | Rare |
| Times Past to Present | Spell | Rare |
| Tremors | Miracle | Comm |
| Twin Towers | Temple | Unco |
| Urns of Gold | Relic | Unco |
| Usher, Guardian of Time | Demi-God | Unco |
| Vale of Sleeping Giants | Temple | Unco |
| Vasuul, Prince of Xzulne | Demi-God | Unco |
| Veil of Darkness | Miracle | Rare |
| Vulne | Guardian | Comm |
| Wandering Wizard | Follower | Comm |
| War Galley | Relic | Comm |
| War Horse | Guardian | Comm |
| War Standard | Temple | Comm |
| War Tower | Temple | Unco |
| War Wheel | Relic | Rare |
| Wargate | Temple | Comm |
| Warking of Thrangmar | Champion | Rare |
| Warlock | Priest | Comm |
| Warp Staff | Relic | Rare |
| Whitefire Spirit | Guardian | Unco |
| Wild Lands | Guardian | Rare |
| Witchfire | Spell | Rare |
| Witching Moon | Miracle | Rare |
| Witching Season | Miracle | Rare |
| Woodland Drue | Priest | Comm |
| Wyverthoom | Demi-God | Comm |
| Yunume | Deity | Rare |
| Zealot | Follower | Comm |