Card_name | Rarity | Rarity_detail | Type |
Abraham | Rare | Rare 1 | Character |
Acid Rain | Rare | Rare 2 | Instant |
Acolyte | Unco | Unco 2 | Character |
Aggression | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Ain't Gonna Happen | Unco | Unco 1 | Instant |
Ain't No Big Thing | Unco | Unco 1 | Victory |
Anticipation | Unco | Unco 1 | Instant |
Artifact - Brain Expander | Ultra rare | Very Rare | Supply |
Artifact - Digger Bot | Ultra rare | Very Rare | Supply |
Artifact - Efficiency Bot | Promo | Promo | Supply |
Artifact - Organizer Bot | Ultra rare | Very Rare | Supply |
Artifact - Pleasure Bot | Ultra rare | Very Rare | Supply |
Artifact - Wise Leader | Ultra rare | Very Rare | Supply |
Assassin | Rare | Rare 1 | Skill |
Attack Shield | Unco | Unco 1 | Weapon |
Attack Wasps | Unco | Unco 2 | Weapon |
Bad Doc Leader | Fixed | Fixed | Leader |
Bad Luck | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Bad Reputation | Rare | Rare 2 | Supply |
Bane | Unco | Unco 2 | Character |
Banger | Common | Common 1 | Character |
Banshee Warrior | Common | Common 2 | Character |
Big Boy Must Go Down | Rare | Rare 1 | Victory |
Black Market | Rare | Rare 1 | Supply |
Blessen | Common | Common 2 | Character |
Blood Ritual | Rare | Rare 1 | Instant |
Bloodless Leader | Unco | Unco 1 | Victory |
Bluff | Common | Common 2 | Skill |
Bobby Gun | Common | Common 1 | Weapon |
Bounty Hunter | Common | Common 2 | Skill |
Brain Stimm | Common | Common 1 | Weapon |
Brass | Rare | Rare 1 | Character |
Bravery | Unco | Unco 1 | Skill |
Bribe the Recruit | Unco | Unco 1 | Instant |
Bribe the Trainer | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Bribery | Unco | Unco 2 | Instant |
Briggum | Unco | Unco 2 | Character |
Bunker | Unco | Unco 1 | Character |
Buster | Rare | Rare 1 | Character |
Can't Touch This | Unco | Unco 2 | Victory |
Chastity | Rare | Rare 2 | Character |
Chem Mask | Common | Common 1 | Weapon |
Chop Shop | Unco | Unco 1 | Supply |
City Leader | Unco | Unco 2 | Skill |
Clean the Sewers | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Clergy Ann | Promo | Promo | Leader |
Coil | Unco | Unco 2 | Character |
Corrosive Fuel Spray | Unco | Unco 2 | Weapon |
Cutter Arm | Common | Common 1 | Weapon |
Death Dervish Grenade | Common | Common 1 | Weapon |
Death Disk | Rare | Rare 2 | Weapon |
Defector | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Defensive Posture | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Disciple of the Fall | Common | Common 2 | Character |
Dodge and Hide | Common | Common 2 | Skill |
Dredge Holes | Unco | Unco 1 | Supply |
Dreg Surfer | Common | Common 1 | Skill |
Energy Core / Acid Tunnels / Gymnasium | Fixed | Fixed | Location |
Enhanced Optix | Common | Common 2 | Weapon |
Fame | Common | Common 1 | Skill |
Field Medic | Rare | Rare 2 | Skill |
Fiend | Unco | Unco 2 | Character |
Find Weak Spot | Rare | Rare 2 | Skill |
Flame Thrower | Rare | Rare 1 | Weapon |
Flash Grenades | Rare | Rare 1 | Weapon |
Foresight | Common | Common 2 | Skill |
Forest / Dumping Grounds / Bio Farm | Fixed | Fixed | Location |
Fortune Smiles | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Frustrate Defense | Rare | Rare 1 | Instant |
Fuel Tank | Common | Common 2 | Instant |
Funny Little Pills | Rare | Rare 1 | Instant |
Get Out There You Big Lug | Unco | Unco 1 | Instant |
Get Shorty | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Get The Goodies | Unco | Unco 1 | Victory |
Gimme That | Rare | Rare 2 | Instant |
Glue Cannon | Rare | Rare 1 | Weapon |
Goliath Syndrome | Rare | Rare 1 | Instant |
Good Pickens | Unco | Unco 1 | Instant |
Goodman | Common | Common 2 | Character |
Grafter | Common | Common 2 | Character |
Grav Field / Transport Tubes / Depository | Fixed | Fixed | Location |
Great Hall / Sewers / Machine Core | Fixed | Fixed | Location |
Grenade | Common | Common 2 | Weapon |
Grenade Launcher | Unco | Unco 1 | Weapon |
Grinner | Common | Common 2 | Character |
Grith | Unco | Unco 2 | Character |
Hail Storm | Rare | Rare 1 | Instant |
Head Gear | Unco | Unco 1 | Weapon |
Heal Pouch | Unco | Unco 1 | Instant |
Heavy Armor | Rare | Rare 1 | Weapon |
Hell Blade | Rare | Rare 2 | Weapon |
Hell Storm | Rare | Rare 1 | Instant |
Hero | Unco | Unco 1 | Victory |
Hidden Stores | Common | Common 2 | Instant |
Hit the Seams | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Holy Land Fever | Unco | Unco 1 | Instant |
Holy Symbol | Rare | Rare 2 | Weapon |
Holy Text | Unco | Unco 1 | Weapon |
HooDoo Leader | Fixed | Fixed | Leader |
HooDoo Totem | Rare | Rare 1 | Supply |
Hunter | Rare | Rare 2 | Supply |
Hypnotism | Rare | Rare 1 | Skill |
I Hear Good Things | Rare | Rare 1 | Victory |
Imposter | Rare | Rare 1 | Instant |
In Your Face, Ace | Rare | Rare 1 | Victory |
Initiate of Murk | Common | Common 2 | Character |
Insightful Arming | Unco | Unco 1 | Instant |
Inspiration | Common | Common 2 | Instant |
Interdiction | Unco | Unco 1 | Skill |
Intimidation | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Intuitive | Common | Common 1 | Skill |
Invest Leadership | Rare | Rare 1 | Victory |
Kaustic | Unco | Unco 2 | Character |
Killer Instinct | Unco | Unco 1 | Instant |
Knows the Land | Unco | Unco 2 | Skill |
Lady Luck Smiles | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Leadership | Unco | Unco 1 | Skill |
Light Armor | Rare | Rare 2 | Weapon |
Lock Out | Rare | Rare 2 | Instant |
Looter | Unco | Unco 2 | Character |
Luck | Unco | Unco 2 | Instant |
Lucky Blow | Common | Common 2 | Instant |
Lucky Shot | Common | Common 2 | Instant |
Magnetic Core / Reactor Core / Cathedral | Fixed | Fixed | Location |
Manipulate | Unco | Unco 1 | Instant |
Marksman | Rare | Rare 2 | Character |
Martial Arts | Unco | Unco 2 | Skill |
Maul | Rare | Rare 2 | Character |
Meathook | Common | Common 2 | Character |
Meet the Charge | Rare | Rare 2 | Instant |
Mega Mall / Factory / Park | Fixed | Fixed | Location |
Mercenary Leader | Fixed | Fixed | Leader |
Mesh Armor | Unco | Unco 2 | Weapon |
New Options | Unco | Unco 1 | Instant |
Nice Try, French Fry | Unco | Unco 1 | Victory |
No Guts, No Glory | Unco | Unco 1 | Victory |
No Way, José | Unco | Unco 2 | Victory |
Nope | Rare | Rare 2 | Instant |
Not in the Briar Patch | Unco | Unco 1 | Skill |
Not Quite Dead | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Offensive Posture | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Once More Into the Fray | Rare | Rare 1 | Instant |
Pale Fighter | Common | Common 2 | Character |
Pastor | Common | Common 2 | Character |
Patcher | Common | Common 2 | Character |
Patient Leader | Common | Common 1 | Supply |
Poisoned Blade | Unco | Unco 1 | Weapon |
Political Bribes | Rare | Rare 2 | Victory |
Politiking the Draft | Rare | Rare 1 | Instant |
Power Fist | Unco | Unco 1 | Weapon |
Preacher | Unco | Unco 1 | Skill |
Preveyor | Unco | Unco 2 | Character |
Prudence | Rare | Rare 2 | Character |
Psychotic Intern | Rare | Rare 2 | Supply |
Purity | Common | Common 2 | Character |
Pyro | Common | Common 2 | Character |
Quartermaster | Common | Common 1 | Supply |
Quick Shot | Rare | Rare 1 | Skill |
Quick to React | Common | Common 1 | Skill |
Quick to the Punch | Common | Common 1 | Skill |
Rally Round The Carcass | Rare | Rare 2 | Victory |
Ravage | Common | Common 2 | Character |
Raze | Unco | Unco 2 | Character |
Razor Claw | Unco | Unco 2 | Weapon |
Razor Wire Spring Trap | Rare | Rare 1 | Instant |
Reactive Shield | Rare | Rare 1 | Weapon |
Receive Council | Unco | Unco 1 | Instant |
Red | Rare | Rare 1 | Character |
Red Fungus Injection | Unco | Unco 1 | Instant |
Religious Fervor | Unco | Unco 1 | Instant |
Riot in the Streets | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Rumble Time | Common | Common 1 | Victory |
Saboteurs | Rare | Rare 2 | Instant |
Sacrificial Lamb | Unco | Unco 1 | Instant |
Safety Tunnels / Acrid Fields / Labyrinth | Fixed | Fixed | Location |
Saint Mark | Rare | Rare 2 | Character |
Scar Gang Leader | Fixed | Fixed | Leader |
Scorched Earth | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Scour Battlefield | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Search for Crew | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Self-Destruct Bomb | Unco | Unco 1 | Weapon |
Sewage Plant / War Shelter / Killing Grounds | Fixed | Fixed | Location |
Shade | Rare | Rare 1 | Character |
Shepherd | Common | Common 2 | Character |
Situational Awareness | Unco | Unco 1 | Instant |
Skilled Mentor | Rare | Rare 2 | Supply |
Sling Net Gun | Unco | Unco 1 | Weapon |
Slum Lord | Unco | Unco 2 | Skill |
Smoke Grenade | Common | Common 1 | Weapon |
Solitary Reflection | Rare | Rare 1 | Instant |
Sonic Distractor | Common | Common 1 | Weapon |
Sour Victory | Rare | Rare 2 | Instant |
Speed | Rare | Rare 1 | Skill |
Spinning Spear | Rare | Rare 2 | Weapon |
Stimm Treatment | Unco | Unco 1 | Instant |
Strik | Unco | Unco 2 | Character |
Strike to Stun | Common | Common 1 | Skill |
Sucker Punch | Common | Common 1 | Skill |
Sucks To Be You | Rare | Rare 2 | Victory |
Survivalist Leader | Fixed | Fixed | Leader |
Targeter | Common | Common 2 | Weapon |
Teck Ear | Common | Common 1 | Weapon |
Terrifying Scream | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Terrorist Bot | Rare | Rare 1 | Supply |
That Thing is HUGE | Rare | Rare 2 | Instant |
Threats | Common | Common 1 | Instant |
Tool Kit | Unco | Unco 2 | Weapon |
Trainer | Common | Common 2 | Skill |
Training | Rare | Rare 2 | Skill |
True Charisma | Rare | Rare 2 | Instant |
Venousa | Unco | Unco 2 | Character |
Victory Dance | Rare | Rare 2 | Victory |
Vision of Paradise | Rare | Rare 2 | Instant |
Viz Noise Generator | Rare | Rare 2 | Weapon |
VooDoo Doll | Rare | Rare 1 | Instant |
Warburn | Unco | Unco 2 | Character |
Warhead Leader | Fixed | Fixed | Leader |
Warknight Leader | Fixed | Fixed | Leader |
Water Hole / Rooftops / Bar | Fixed | Fixed | Location |
Weapon Harness | Common | Common 2 | Weapon |
Weaponsmith | Rare | Rare 1 | Supply |
White Reaver Leader | Fixed | Fixed | Leader |
Wilderness Guide | Unco | Unco 2 | Skill |
Wildeye | Unco | Unco 2 | Character |
Wipeout! | Common | Common 1 | Victory |
Witness Leader | Fixed | Fixed | Leader |
Wrecker | Unco | Unco 2 | Character |
X-Cess | Common | Common 2 | Character |
X-Cite | Unco | Unco 2 | Character |
X-Otic | Rare | Rare 1 | Character |
You Ain't All That | Rare | Rare 2 | Victory |
You Ain't That Tough | Rare | Rare 1 | Victory |
You Just Try | Common | Common 1 | Instant |