Set_name | Card_name | Rarity | Rarity_detail |
1st edition | Aasimar | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Abishai | Common | Common |
1st edition | Acheron | Common | Common |
1st edition | Aferoxxynomak | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Agathinon | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Alu-Fiend | Common | Common |
1st edition | Ambush! | Common | Common |
1st edition | Amnizu Warden | Common | Most Common / Rare |
1st edition | Amun-Thys | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Animate Battlefield | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Arborea | Common | Common |
1st edition | Arcadia | Common | Common |
1st edition | Archon Guardian | Common | Most Common / Rare |
1st edition | Armor of Invulnerability | Common | Common |
1st edition | Asgard | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Asrai | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Assassination Plot | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Astral Conduit | Common | Common |
1st edition | Astral Plane | Common | Common |
1st edition | Automata | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Avoral | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Azzagrat | Common | Very Common / Rare |
1st edition | Baator | Common | Most Common / Rare |
1st edition | Babau Recruiter | Common | Common |
1st edition | Bacchae Marauders | Common | Common |
1st edition | Bahamut | Common | Very Common / Unco |
1st edition | Baku | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Balaena | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Barbazu | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Barghest Legionnaire | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Barghest Lord | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Bariaur | Common | Common |
1st edition | Bar-Lgura | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Barnstable | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Battle-Scarred Planes | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Beastlands | Common | Common |
1st edition | Bedlam | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Betrayal | Common | Common |
1st edition | Bifrost the Rainbow Bridge | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Blade of Loyalty | Common | Common |
1st edition | Bladeling Hero | Common | Very Common / Rare |
1st edition | Blood War Provocation | Common | Common |
1st edition | Blue Slaad | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Bralani | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Buseni | Common | Common |
1st edition | Bytopia | Common | Common |
1st edition | Call to Arms | Common | Common |
1st edition | Cambion Baron | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Cambion Mercenary | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Carceri | Common | Most Common / Starter Common |
1st edition | Cat Lord | Common | Common |
1st edition | Caverns of Thought | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Cervidal | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Chaos Beast | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Chaos Imps | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Charge! | Common | Common |
1st edition | Chasme Drone | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Chronepsis | Common | Very Common / Rare |
1st edition | Cloak of Invisibility | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Clueless Warrior | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Clueless Wizard | Common | Common |
1st edition | Conclave of Generals | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Consolidation of Power | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Cornugon Whiplord | Common | Most Common / Unco |
1st edition | Coure | Common | Common |
1st edition | Court Under the Stars | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Cranium Blast | Common | Common |
1st edition | Cranium Rats | Common | Common |
1st edition | Crystal Ball | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Curst | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Darktome the Arcanaloth | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Decaton | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Deepshaft Hall | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Demonweb Pits | Common | Very Common / Unco |
1st edition | Dergholoth | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Deva Commander | Common | Most Common / Unco |
1st edition | Dothion | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Dragonscale Armor | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Dretch | Common | Common |
1st edition | Duchess Callisto | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Duke Lucan | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Duke Windheir | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Dwarven Mountain | Common | Very Common / Unco |
1st edition | Echarus | Common | Common |
1st edition | Ecstasy | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Einheriar of the Outlands | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Elshava | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Elves of Arborea | Common | Common |
1st edition | Elysium | Common | Common |
1st edition | End Hostilities | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Equinal | Common | Common |
1st edition | Ercid, Rudra's Vengeance | Common | Common |
1st edition | Erinyes | Common | Common |
1st edition | Escape from Death | Common | Common |
1st edition | Excelsior | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Exiraati | Common | Common |
1st edition | Faaram the Slaadi King | Common | Common |
1st edition | Faerie Queen Morwel | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Faerinaal, Queen's Consort | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Faunel | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Fensir Rakka | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Fire Mephit | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Firre Troops | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Fortitude | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Fortress of the Arcanaloth | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Gaola | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Gate Key | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Gates of the Moon | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Gazra the Pit Fiend | Common | Common |
1st edition | Gehenna | Common | Very Common / Starter Common |
1st edition | Gelugon Overlord | Common | Most Common / Common |
1st edition | Ghaele Elite | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Githyanki | Common | Common |
1st edition | Githzerai | Common | Common |
1st edition | Glabrezu | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Glorium | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Grandfather Oak | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Gray Slaad | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Graz'zt | Common | Very Common / Unco |
1st edition | Green Slaad | Common | Common |
1st edition | Gwynarwhyf the Veiled | Common | Common |
1st edition | Hamatula | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Hawk Lord | Common | Most Common / Common |
1st edition | High Grove of Alfheim | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Honorable Passing | Common | Common |
1st edition | Hopeless | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Hound Hunters | Common | Common |
1st edition | Hruggekolohk | Common | Very Common / Common |
1st edition | Hydroloth | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Invite to Battle | Common | Common |
1st edition | Iron City of Dis | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Jotunheim | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Kochrachon | Common | Common |
1st edition | Lance of Pain | Common | Common |
1st edition | Lantern Archon | Common | Common |
1st edition | Lazzaret the Brown | Common | Common |
1st edition | Leonal | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Light Aasimon | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Lillend | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Limbo | Common | Common |
1st edition | Lizard Lord | Common | Common |
1st edition | Lord Hwhyn | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Lord Rhanok | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Lord Tenarrus | Common | Very Common / Common |
1st edition | Lost Comrade Returns | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Lupinal | Common | Common |
1st edition | Mace of Misery | Common | Common |
1st edition | Madhouse | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Major Transformation | Common | Common |
1st edition | Malaetar Rider | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Malelephant | Common | Common |
1st edition | Marilith Colonel | Common | Most Common / Unco |
1st edition | Marisa | Common | Common |
1st edition | Mausoleum of Chronepsis | Common | Very Common / Rare |
1st edition | Mechanus | Common | Common |
1st edition | Mellinos the Rrakkmal | Common | Common |
1st edition | Merratet | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Mezzoloth | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Minauros the Sinking | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Mines of Marsellin | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Modron Procession | Common | Common |
1st edition | Molydeus Magistrate | Common | Most Common / Rare |
1st edition | Monodrone | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Monster Summons | Common | Common |
1st edition | Mount Celestia | Common | Common |
1st edition | Mount Olympus | Common | Common |
1st edition | Movanic Deva | Common | Common |
1st edition | Nabassu | Common | Common |
1st edition | Nalfeshnee Captain | Common | Most Common / Common |
1st edition | Naratyr | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Nic'Epona | Common | Common |
1st edition | Nidavellir | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Night Hag | Common | Common |
1st edition | Norse Dwarves | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Noviere Raider | Common | Common |
1st edition | Nupperibo | Common | Common |
1st edition | Nycaloth Warrior | Common | Most Common / Common |
1st edition | Octon | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Old Hannirian | Common | Very Common / Rare |
1st edition | Oread | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Osyluth | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Outsider Archer | Common | Common |
1st edition | Palace of Judgment | Common | Very Common / Rare |
1st edition | Pandemonium | Common | Common |
1st edition | Pandemonium Madness | Common | Common |
1st edition | Parai | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Pazrael | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Phylaras | Common | Very Common / Rare |
1st edition | Piscoloth | Common | Common |
1st edition | Plague-Mort | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Plains of Gallenshu | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Planetar General | Common | Most Common / Common |
1st edition | Political Scapegoat | Common | Common |
1st edition | Powers of Evil Intervene! | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Powers of Good Intervene | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Powers of Neutrality Intervene | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Press Gang | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Prime Summons I | Common | Common |
1st edition | Prime Summons II | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Prime Summons III | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Prime Summons IV | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Protection vs. Fate | Common | Common |
1st edition | Protection vs. Legions | Common | Common |
1st edition | Protection vs. Warlords | Common | Common |
1st edition | Quadrone | Common | Common |
1st edition | Quarton Hierarch | Common | Most Common / Rare |
1st edition | Quill | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Quinton Hierarch | Common | Very Common / Common |
1st edition | Rain of Fire | Common | Common |
1st edition | Red Slaad | Common | Common |
1st edition | Regulus | Common | Very Common / Common |
1st edition | Release from Care | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Renegotiations | Common | Common |
1st edition | Ribcage | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Rigus | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | River Oceanus | Common | Common |
1st edition | Rogue Modron | Common | Common |
1st edition | Sardior | Common | Very Common / Unco |
1st edition | Scepter of Shekelor | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Scimitar of Valor | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Scion of Ilsensine | Common | Most Common / Unco |
1st edition | Semuanya's Bog | Common | Very Common / Unco |
1st edition | Sheela Peryroyl's Realm | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Shield Maidens of Odin | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Shiere Crusaders | Common | Common |
1st edition | Shra'Kt'Lor | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Smaragd | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Sneak Attack | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Snowhair | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Soot Hall | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Spawning Stone | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Spell Mirror | Common | Common |
1st edition | Spies in the Walls | Common | Common |
1st edition | Spinagon | Common | Common |
1st edition | Spirit of the Air | Common | Common |
1st edition | Spirited Troops | Common | Common |
1st edition | Stolen Seat of Power | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Straifling | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Strongale Hall | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Succubus | Common | Common |
1st edition | Sword Archon | Common | Common |
1st edition | Sword of Purity | Common | Common |
1st edition | Sylvania | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Talisid the Leonal Prince | Common | Common |
1st edition | Teardrop Palace | Common | Very Common / Rare |
1st edition | The Abyss | Common | Most Common / Starter Rare |
1st edition | The Bladed Mace | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | The Floating City | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | The Forbidden Citadel | Common | Very Common / Unco |
1st edition | The Gilded Hall | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | The Gray Waste | Common | Most Common / Starter Rare |
1st edition | The Harmonica | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | The Infinite Staircase | Common | Very Common / Common |
1st edition | The Jade Palace | Common | Very Common / Rare |
1st edition | The Outlands | Common | Very Common / Rare |
1st edition | The Pillar of Skulls | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | The Plain of Infinite Portals | Common | Very Common / Unco |
1st edition | The River Ma'at | Common | Very Common / Common |
1st edition | The River Styx | Common | Very Common / Common |
1st edition | The Ship of Chaos | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | The Silver Sea | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | The Spire | Common | Very Common / Unco |
1st edition | The Viper Wastes | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | The Wasting Tower of Khin-Oin | Common | Very Common / Common |
1st edition | Thomstel Maedarson | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Throne Archon | Common | Most Common / Unco |
1st edition | Tiamat | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Tide Turns! | Common | Common |
1st edition | Tiefling Amazon | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Tiefling Wanderer | Common | Common |
1st edition | Tiefling Wizard | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Tokkarest Mercenary | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Torch | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Torremor | Common | Very Common / Unco |
1st edition | Tradegate | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Trident of Corruption | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Trumpet Archon | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Tulani Champion | Common | Most Common / Unco |
1st edition | Tulani Warlord | Common | Most Common / Rare |
1st edition | United Front | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Urial the Celestial Arrow | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Ursinal | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Vadarther the Ultroloth | Common | Common |
1st edition | Valhalla | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Vanaheim | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Vargouilles | Common | Common |
1st edition | Vorkehan | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Vrock | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Warden Archon | Common | Common |
1st edition | Windglum | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Winter's Hall | Common | Very Common / Common |
1st edition | Wolf Lord | Common | Common |
1st edition | Xaos | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Xerxes the Vigilant | Common | Common |
1st edition | Yagnoloth | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Yggdrasil the World Tree | Common | Common |
1st edition | Ysgard | Common | Common |
1st edition | Zoronor, City of Shadows | Unco | Unco |
1st edition | Zoveri | Rare | Rare |
1st edition | Zrintor the Viper Forest | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Aasimar | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Abishai | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Acheron | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Aferoxxynomak | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Agathinon | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Alu-Fiend | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Ambush! | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Amnizu Warden | Common | Most Common / Rare |
2nd edition | Amun-Thys | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Animate Battlefield | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Arborea | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Arcadia | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Archon Guardian | Common | Most Common / Rare |
2nd edition | Armor of Invulnerability | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Asgard | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Asrai | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Assassination Plot | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Astral Conduit | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Astral Plane | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Automata | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Avoral | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Azzagrat | Common | Very Common / Rare |
2nd edition | Baator | Common | Most Common / Rare |
2nd edition | Babau Recruiter | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Bacchae Marauders | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Bahamut | Common | Very Common / Unco |
2nd edition | Baku | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Balaena | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Barbazu | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Barghest Legionnaire | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Barghest Lord | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Bariaur | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Bar-Lgura | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Barnstable | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Battle-Scarred Planes | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Beastlands | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Bedlam | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Betrayal | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Bifrost the Rainbow Bridge | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Blade of Loyalty | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Bladeling Hero | Common | Very Common / Rare |
2nd edition | Blood War Provocation | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Blue Slaad | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Bralani | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Buseni | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Bytopia | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Call to Arms | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Cambion Baron | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Cambion Mercenary | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Carceri | Common | Most Common / Starter Common |
2nd edition | Cat Lord | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Caverns of Thought | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Cervidal | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Chaos Beast | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Chaos Imps | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Charge! | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Chasme Drone | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Chronepsis | Common | Very Common / Rare |
2nd edition | Cloak of Invisibility | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Clueless Warrior | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Clueless Wizard | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Conclave of Generals | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Consolidation of Power | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Cornugon Whiplord | Common | Most Common / Unco |
2nd edition | Coure | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Court Under the Stars | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Cranium Blast | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Cranium Rats | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Crystal Ball | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Curst | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Darktome the Arcanaloth | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Decaton | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Deepshaft Hall | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Demonweb Pits | Common | Very Common / Unco |
2nd edition | Dergholoth | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Deva Commander | Common | Most Common / Unco |
2nd edition | Dothion | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Dragonscale Armor | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Dretch | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Duchess Callisto | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Duke Lucan | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Duke Windheir | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Dwarven Mountain | Common | Very Common / Unco |
2nd edition | Echarus | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Ecstasy | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Einheriar of the Outlands | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Elshava | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Elves of Arborea | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Elysium | Common | Common |
2nd edition | End Hostilities | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Equinal | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Ercid, Rudra's Vengeance | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Erinyes | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Escape from Death | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Excelsior | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Exiraati | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Faaram the Slaadi King | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Faerie Queen Morwel | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Faerinaal, Queen's Consort | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Faunel | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Fensir Rakka | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Fire Mephit | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Firre Troops | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Fortitude | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Fortress of the Arcanaloth | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Gaola | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Gate Key | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Gates of the Moon | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Gazra the Pit Fiend | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Gehenna | Common | Very Common / Starter Common |
2nd edition | Gelugon Overlord | Common | Most Common / Common |
2nd edition | Ghaele Elite | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Githyanki | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Githzerai | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Glabrezu | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Glorium | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Grandfather Oak | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Gray Slaad | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Graz'zt | Common | Very Common / Unco |
2nd edition | Green Slaad | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Gwynarwhyf the Veiled | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Hamatula | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Hawk Lord | Common | Most Common / Common |
2nd edition | High Grove of Alfheim | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Honorable Passing | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Hopeless | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Hound Hunters | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Hruggekolohk | Common | Very Common / Common |
2nd edition | Hydroloth | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Invite to Battle | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Iron City of Dis | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Jotunheim | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Kochrachon | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Lance of Pain | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Lantern Archon | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Lazzaret the Brown | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Leonal | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Light Aasimon | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Lillend | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Limbo | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Lizard Lord | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Lord Hwhyn | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Lord Rhanok | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Lord Tenarrus | Common | Very Common / Common |
2nd edition | Lost Comrade Returns | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Lupinal | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Mace of Misery | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Madhouse | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Major Transformation | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Malaetar Rider | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Malelephant | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Marilith Colonel | Common | Most Common / Unco |
2nd edition | Marisa | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Mausoleum of Chronepsis | Common | Very Common / Rare |
2nd edition | Mechanus | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Mellinos the Rrakkmal | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Merratet | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Mezzoloth | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Minauros the Sinking | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Mines of Marsellin | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Modron Procession | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Molydeus Magistrate | Common | Most Common / Rare |
2nd edition | Monodrone | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Monster Summons | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Mount Celestia | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Mount Olympus | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Movanic Deva | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Nabassu | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Nalfeshnee Captain | Common | Most Common / Common |
2nd edition | Naratyr | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Nic'Epona | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Nidavellir | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Night Hag | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Norse Dwarves | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Noviere Raider | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Nupperibo | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Nycaloth Warrior | Common | Most Common / Common |
2nd edition | Octon | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Old Hannirian | Common | Very Common / Rare |
2nd edition | Oread | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Osyluth | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Outsider Archer | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Palace of Judgment | Common | Very Common / Rare |
2nd edition | Pandemonium | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Pandemonium Madness | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Parai | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Pazrael | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Phylaras | Common | Very Common / Rare |
2nd edition | Piscoloth | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Plague-Mort | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Plains of Gallenshu | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Planetar General | Common | Most Common / Common |
2nd edition | Political Scapegoat | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Powers of Evil Intervene! | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Powers of Good Intervene | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Powers of Neutrality Intervene | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Press Gang | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Prime Summons I | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Prime Summons II | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Prime Summons III | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Prime Summons IV | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Protection vs. Fate | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Protection vs. Legions | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Protection vs. Warlords | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Quadrone | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Quarton Hierarch | Common | Most Common / Rare |
2nd edition | Quill | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Quinton Hierarch | Common | Very Common / Common |
2nd edition | Rain of Fire | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Red Slaad | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Regulus | Common | Very Common / Common |
2nd edition | Release from Care | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Renegotiations | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Ribcage | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Rigus | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | River Oceanus | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Rogue Modron | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Sardior | Common | Very Common / Unco |
2nd edition | Scepter of Shekelor | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Scimitar of Valor | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Scion of Ilsensine | Common | Most Common / Unco |
2nd edition | Semuanya's Bog | Common | Very Common / Unco |
2nd edition | Sheela Peryroyl's Realm | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Shield Maidens of Odin | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Shiere Crusaders | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Shra'Kt'Lor | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Smaragd | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Sneak Attack | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Snowhair | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Soot Hall | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Spawning Stone | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Spell Mirror | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Spies in the Walls | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Spinagon | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Spirit of the Air | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Spirited Troops | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Stolen Seat of Power | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Straifling | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Strongale Hall | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Succubus | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Sword Archon | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Sword of Purity | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Sylvania | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Talisid the Leonal Prince | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Teardrop Palace | Common | Very Common / Rare |
2nd edition | The Abyss | Common | Most Common / Starter Rare |
2nd edition | The Bladed Mace | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | The Floating City | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | The Forbidden Citadel | Common | Very Common / Unco |
2nd edition | The Gilded Hall | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | The Gray Waste | Common | Most Common / Starter Rare |
2nd edition | The Harmonica | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | The Infinite Staircase | Common | Very Common / Common |
2nd edition | The Jade Palace | Common | Very Common / Rare |
2nd edition | The Outlands | Common | Very Common / Rare |
2nd edition | The Pillar of Skulls | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | The Plain of Infinite Portals | Common | Very Common / Unco |
2nd edition | The River Ma'at | Common | Very Common / Common |
2nd edition | The River Styx | Common | Very Common / Common |
2nd edition | The Ship of Chaos | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | The Silver Sea | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | The Spire | Common | Very Common / Unco |
2nd edition | The Viper Wastes | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | The Wasting Tower of Khin-Oin | Common | Very Common / Common |
2nd edition | Thomstel Maedarson | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Throne Archon | Common | Most Common / Unco |
2nd edition | Tiamat | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Tide Turns! | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Tiefling Amazon | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Tiefling Wanderer | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Tiefling Wizard | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Tokkarest Mercenary | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Torch | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Torremor | Common | Very Common / Unco |
2nd edition | Tradegate | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Trident of Corruption | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Trumpet Archon | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Tulani Champion | Common | Most Common / Unco |
2nd edition | Tulani Warlord | Common | Most Common / Rare |
2nd edition | United Front | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Urial the Celestial Arrow | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Ursinal | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Vadarther the Ultroloth | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Valhalla | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Vanaheim | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Vargouilles | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Vorkehan | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Vrock | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Warden Archon | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Windglum | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Winter's Hall | Common | Very Common / Common |
2nd edition | Wolf Lord | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Xaos | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Xerxes the Vigilant | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Yagnoloth | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Yggdrasil the World Tree | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Ysgard | Common | Common |
2nd edition | Zoronor, City of Shadows | Unco | Unco |
2nd edition | Zoveri | Rare | Rare |
2nd edition | Zrintor the Viper Forest | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Aasimar | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Abishai | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Acheron | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Aferoxxynomak | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Agathinon | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Alu-Fiend | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Ambush! | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Amnizu Warden | Common | Most Common / Rare |
3rd edition | Amun-Thys | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Animate Battlefield | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Arborea | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Arcadia | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Archon Guardian | Common | Most Common / Rare |
3rd edition | Armor of Invulnerability | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Asgard | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Asrai | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Assassination Plot | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Astral Conduit | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Astral Plane | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Automata | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Avoral | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Azzagrat | Common | Very Common / Rare |
3rd edition | Baator | Common | Most Common / Rare |
3rd edition | Babau Recruiter | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Bacchae Marauders | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Bahamut | Common | Very Common / Unco |
3rd edition | Baku | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Balaena | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Barbazu | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Barghest Legionnaire | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Barghest Lord | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Bariaur | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Bar-Lgura | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Barnstable | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Battle-Scarred Planes | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Beastlands | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Bedlam | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Betrayal | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Bifrost the Rainbow Bridge | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Blade of Loyalty | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Bladeling Hero | Common | Very Common / Rare |
3rd edition | Blood War Provocation | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Blue Slaad | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Bralani | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Buseni | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Bytopia | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Call to Arms | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Cambion Baron | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Cambion Mercenary | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Carceri | Common | Most Common / Starter Common |
3rd edition | Cat Lord | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Caverns of Thought | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Cervidal | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Chaos Beast | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Chaos Imps | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Charge! | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Chasme Drone | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Chronepsis | Common | Very Common / Rare |
3rd edition | Cloak of Invisibility | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Clueless Warrior | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Clueless Wizard | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Conclave of Generals | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Consolidation of Power | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Cornugon Whiplord | Common | Most Common / Unco |
3rd edition | Coure | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Court Under the Stars | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Cranium Blast | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Cranium Rats | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Crystal Ball | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Curst | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Darktome the Arcanaloth | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Decaton | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Deepshaft Hall | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Demonweb Pits | Common | Very Common / Unco |
3rd edition | Dergholoth | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Deva Commander | Common | Most Common / Unco |
3rd edition | Dothion | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Dragonscale Armor | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Dretch | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Duchess Callisto | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Duke Lucan | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Duke Windheir | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Dwarven Mountain | Common | Very Common / Unco |
3rd edition | Echarus | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Ecstasy | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Einheriar of the Outlands | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Elshava | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Elves of Arborea | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Elysium | Common | Common |
3rd edition | End Hostilities | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Equinal | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Ercid, Rudra's Vengeance | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Erinyes | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Escape from Death | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Excelsior | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Exiraati | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Faaram the Slaadi King | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Faerie Queen Morwel | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Faerinaal, Queen's Consort | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Faunel | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Fensir Rakka | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Fire Mephit | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Firre Troops | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Fortitude | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Fortress of the Arcanaloth | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Gaola | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Gate Key | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Gates of the Moon | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Gazra the Pit Fiend | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Gehenna | Common | Very Common / Starter Common |
3rd edition | Gelugon Overlord | Common | Most Common / Common |
3rd edition | Ghaele Elite | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Githyanki | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Githzerai | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Glabrezu | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Glorium | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Grandfather Oak | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Gray Slaad | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Graz'zt | Common | Very Common / Unco |
3rd edition | Green Slaad | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Gwynarwhyf the Veiled | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Hamatula | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Hawk Lord | Common | Most Common / Common |
3rd edition | High Grove of Alfheim | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Honorable Passing | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Hopeless | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Hound Hunters | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Hruggekolohk | Common | Very Common / Common |
3rd edition | Hydroloth | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Invite to Battle | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Iron City of Dis | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Jotunheim | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Kochrachon | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Lance of Pain | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Lantern Archon | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Lazzaret the Brown | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Leonal | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Light Aasimon | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Lillend | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Limbo | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Lizard Lord | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Lord Hwhyn | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Lord Rhanok | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Lord Tenarrus | Common | Very Common / Common |
3rd edition | Lost Comrade Returns | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Lupinal | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Mace of Misery | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Madhouse | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Major Transformation | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Malaetar Rider | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Malelephant | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Marilith Colonel | Common | Most Common / Unco |
3rd edition | Marisa | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Mausoleum of Chronepsis | Common | Very Common / Rare |
3rd edition | Mechanus | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Mellinos the Rrakkmal | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Merratet | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Mezzoloth | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Minauros the Sinking | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Mines of Marsellin | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Modron Procession | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Molydeus Magistrate | Common | Most Common / Rare |
3rd edition | Monodrone | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Monster Summons | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Mount Celestia | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Mount Olympus | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Movanic Deva | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Nabassu | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Nalfeshnee Captain | Common | Most Common / Common |
3rd edition | Naratyr | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Nic'Epona | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Nidavellir | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Night Hag | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Norse Dwarves | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Noviere Raider | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Nupperibo | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Nycaloth Warrior | Common | Most Common / Common |
3rd edition | Octon | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Old Hannirian | Common | Very Common / Rare |
3rd edition | Oread | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Osyluth | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Outsider Archer | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Palace of Judgment | Common | Very Common / Rare |
3rd edition | Pandemonium | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Pandemonium Madness | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Parai | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Pazrael | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Phylaras | Common | Very Common / Rare |
3rd edition | Piscoloth | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Plague-Mort | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Plains of Gallenshu | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Planetar General | Common | Most Common / Common |
3rd edition | Political Scapegoat | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Powers of Evil Intervene! | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Powers of Good Intervene | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Powers of Neutrality Intervene | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Press Gang | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Prime Summons I | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Prime Summons II | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Prime Summons III | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Prime Summons IV | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Protection vs. Fate | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Protection vs. Legions | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Protection vs. Warlords | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Quadrone | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Quarton Hierarch | Common | Most Common / Rare |
3rd edition | Quill | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Quinton Hierarch | Common | Very Common / Common |
3rd edition | Rain of Fire | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Red Slaad | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Regulus | Common | Very Common / Common |
3rd edition | Release from Care | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Renegotiations | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Ribcage | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Rigus | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | River Oceanus | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Rogue Modron | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Sardior | Common | Very Common / Unco |
3rd edition | Scepter of Shekelor | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Scimitar of Valor | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Scion of Ilsensine | Common | Most Common / Unco |
3rd edition | Semuanya's Bog | Common | Very Common / Unco |
3rd edition | Sheela Peryroyl's Realm | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Shield Maidens of Odin | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Shiere Crusaders | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Shra'Kt'Lor | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Smaragd | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Sneak Attack | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Snowhair | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Soot Hall | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Spawning Stone | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Spell Mirror | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Spies in the Walls | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Spinagon | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Spirit of the Air | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Spirited Troops | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Stolen Seat of Power | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Straifling | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Strongale Hall | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Succubus | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Sword Archon | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Sword of Purity | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Sylvania | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Talisid the Leonal Prince | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Teardrop Palace | Common | Very Common / Rare |
3rd edition | The Abyss | Common | Most Common / Starter Rare |
3rd edition | The Bladed Mace | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | The Floating City | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | The Forbidden Citadel | Common | Very Common / Unco |
3rd edition | The Gilded Hall | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | The Gray Waste | Common | Most Common / Starter Rare |
3rd edition | The Harmonica | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | The Infinite Staircase | Common | Very Common / Common |
3rd edition | The Jade Palace | Common | Very Common / Rare |
3rd edition | The Outlands | Common | Very Common / Rare |
3rd edition | The Pillar of Skulls | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | The Plain of Infinite Portals | Common | Very Common / Unco |
3rd edition | The River Ma'at | Common | Very Common / Common |
3rd edition | The River Styx | Common | Very Common / Common |
3rd edition | The Ship of Chaos | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | The Silver Sea | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | The Spire | Common | Very Common / Unco |
3rd edition | The Viper Wastes | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | The Wasting Tower of Khin-Oin | Common | Very Common / Common |
3rd edition | Thomstel Maedarson | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Throne Archon | Common | Most Common / Unco |
3rd edition | Tiamat | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Tide Turns! | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Tiefling Amazon | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Tiefling Wanderer | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Tiefling Wizard | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Tokkarest Mercenary | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Torch | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Torremor | Common | Very Common / Unco |
3rd edition | Tradegate | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Trident of Corruption | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Trumpet Archon | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Tulani Champion | Common | Most Common / Unco |
3rd edition | Tulani Warlord | Common | Most Common / Rare |
3rd edition | United Front | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Urial the Celestial Arrow | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Ursinal | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Vadarther the Ultroloth | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Valhalla | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Vanaheim | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Vargouilles | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Vorkehan | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Vrock | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Warden Archon | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Windglum | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Winter's Hall | Common | Very Common / Common |
3rd edition | Wolf Lord | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Xaos | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Xerxes the Vigilant | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Yagnoloth | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Yggdrasil the World Tree | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Ysgard | Common | Common |
3rd edition | Zoronor, City of Shadows | Unco | Unco |
3rd edition | Zoveri | Rare | Rare |
3rd edition | Zrintor the Viper Forest | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Agathyn Anarchist | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Amazon Guardian | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Anarchist Mark | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Apothean Archer | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Aquallorian Sensate | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Armanite | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Armory of Sigil | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Artus | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Astral Searcher | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Barber Shop Portal | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Bladeswirl Portal | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Bleaker Mark | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Bogles' Glen | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Chandlers' Portal | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Chaosmen Mark | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Cipher Mark | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Clerk's Ward | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Dabus | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Dagger's Throw Portal | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Dead Mark | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Defier Mark | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Diplomatic Treachery | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Doomguard Mark | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Doppelganger | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Elder Beholder | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Emerald Dragon Hatchling | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Equipment Disintegration | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Erosion of Faith | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Factol Ambar | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Factol Darius | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Factol Erin Darkflame Montgomery | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Factol Hashkar | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Factol Karan | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Factol Lhar | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Factol Mallin | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Factol Pentar | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Factol Rhys | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Factol Rowan Darkwood | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Factol Sarin | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Factol Skall | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Factol Terrance | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Factol's Favor | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Foecircle Portal | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Foxwoman | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Gamakar the Studious | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Gladiator of Sigil | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Godsman Warrior | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Godsmen Mark | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Golden Web Portal | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Great Blade of Tasup | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Guildhall/Market Ward | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Guvner Bailiff | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Guvner Mark | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Halfling Cleric | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Harbinger House | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Hard Head Mark | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Hardhead Dwarves | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Harp of Stars | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Heartless Mark | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Hezrou Desecrator | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Hidden Treasure | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Hieracosphinx | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Hill Giant | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Hin Archer | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Hive Ward | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Hobgoblin Deader | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Hope Incarnate | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Indep Mark | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Inkwell Portal | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Inquisitive Kender | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Judge Arcane | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Larvae | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Lizard Man | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Lower Ward | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Mane | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Mediator | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Mimir | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Minor Magistrate | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Moon Dog | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Moon's Rose Portal | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Notice of Secundus | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Ogre Mage | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Orryx | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Paladin | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Perigon | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Portal of Pain | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Quick Escape | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Ratatosk Gliders | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Red Death Mark | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Rest & Relaxation | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Rogue Modron Merchant | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Sensate Mark | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Servant Li's Request | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Sigil's Sentries | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Signer Mark | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Streets of Sigil | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Sword's Breath Portal | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Temple of the Abyss | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | The Aspirant | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | The Bleak Battalion | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | The City Barracks | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | The City Courts | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | The Civic Festhall | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | The Cynical Wizard | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | The Defiant Ones | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | The Dragon Bar | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | The Entropy League | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | The Gatehouse | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | The Glee-Bashers | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | The Great Foundry | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | The Great Gymnasium | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | The Greengage | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | The Hall of Records | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | The Hall of Speakers | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | The Hive | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | The Key of Pain | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | The Lady's Ward | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | The Mazes | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | The Mortuary | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | The Perished | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | The Prison | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | The Scratcher | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | The Screaming Falls | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | The Shattered Temple | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Tiefling Mage/Thief | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Treant | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Undead Host (Horde) | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Under Arrest | Unco | Unco |
Factols and Factions | Valhalla's Finest | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Vorkehan Guard | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Wemic Shaman | Rare | Rare |
Factols and Factions | Wererat Indep | Common | Common |
Factols and Factions | Wererats of Sigil | Ultra rare | Chase |
Factols and Factions | Weretiger | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Abyssal Bats | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Ankhwugaht | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Apollo | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Apotheosis | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Archduke Dispater | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Ares | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Artemis | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Artemis' Bow | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Arumdina | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Athena | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Avernus | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Axe of Anarchy | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Axe of the Dwarvish Lords | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Baervan Wildwanderer | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Bahamut's Charge | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Bahamut's Palace | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Baldur | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Baron Molikroth | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Bast | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Bast's Defense | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Battle Axe of Discord | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Battlefield Revolt | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Bel, Regent of Avernus | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Bow of Law | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Bow of Order | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Cania | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Cavalry Rescue | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Chaotic Holy Symbol | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Codex of Infinite Planes | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Court of Light | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Dis | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Dispater's Campaign | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Dugmaren Brightmantle | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Dumathoin | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Emissary of Chaos | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Emissary of Evil | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Emissary of Good | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Emissary of Law | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Emissary of Neutrality | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Evil Holy Symbol | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Farastu | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Flandal Steelskin | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Frey | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Freya | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Garl Glittergold | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Garl's Faithful | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Good Holy Symbol | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Goristro | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Greater Coin of Fate | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Gungnir | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Hod | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Holy Ground | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Howler | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Ilsensine | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Kelubar | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Lawful Holy Symbol | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Legionnaires of the Light | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Loki | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Lolth | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Lolth's Grove | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Maladomini | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Malbolge | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Marraenoloth Pilot | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Mass Desertion | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Merrshaulk | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Minauros | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Minion of Set | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Mjolnir | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Muamman Duathal | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Nectar of Life | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Nephythys | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Nessus | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Neutral Holy Symbol | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Nightmare | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Njord | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Occupying Forces | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Odin | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Olympus | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Order's Battalion | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Pazrael's Onslaught | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Phlegethos | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Primus | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Prince Levistus | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Prismatic Battlesphere | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Proxy of Chaos | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Proxy of Chaos II | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Proxy of Evil | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Proxy of Evil II | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Proxy of Good | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Proxy of Good II | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Proxy of Law | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Proxy of Law II | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Proxy of Neutrality | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Proxy of Neutrality II | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Pyrrhic Victory | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Ramenos | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Reenlistment | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Return to the Front | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Revenge of the Exiraati | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Segojan Earthcaller | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Selune | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Semuanya | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Set | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Shang-Ti | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Shator | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Sheela Peryroyl | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Sif | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Stygia | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Sung Chiang | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Surtr | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Svartalfheim Drow | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Tabaxi | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Temporary Truce | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | The Aegis | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | The Defenders Harmonic | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | The Floating Gods | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | The Kindred Souls | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | The Knights Anarchic | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | The Mythcarvers | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | The Oracles | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | The Ruby Palace | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | The Valiants of Valhalla | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | The Veterans Sanguine | Unco | Unco |
Powers and Proxies | Thor | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Throne of the Gods | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Thrym | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Tiamat's Lair | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Tyr | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Uller | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Vergadain | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Wastrilith Dictator | Common | Common |
Powers and Proxies | Wrath of the Gods | Ultra rare | Chase |
Powers and Proxies | Yen-Wang-Yeh | Rare | Rare |
Powers and Proxies | Zeus | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Amulet of Protection | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Bebilith Sympathizer | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Bugbear Shaman | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Crown of Protection | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Foo Dog Pack | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Gaze of the Bodak | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Hruggek | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Hruggek's Symbol | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Legions Mutiny! | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Lemure Patrol | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Lower Planar Conscription | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Marraenoloth Skiff | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Massacre in Baator | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Mephit Swarm | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Mercykiller Paladin | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Modron Sentries | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Native of Sigil | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Nupperibo Host | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Peace Compact | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Prisoners of War | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Ring of Protection | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Scream of Armanites | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Shamble of Rutterkin | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Shekinester | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Shekinester's Symbol | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Slaadi Mob | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Slaughter in the Abyss | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | The Converted | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | The Lady of Pain | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Tiefling Sensate | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Tutor of the Crone | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Upper Planar Recruitment | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Yeth Hound Pack | Ultra rare | Chase |
Rebels and Reinforcements | Yugoloth Bribery | Ultra rare | Chase |